Thursday, July 16, 2015

Partner with Me

  I wanted to share a few ways God has already blessed this trip!

  • At the beginning of June, I transferred from working at the St. Cloud Target store, to the store in Rogers as a front-end supervisor.  Only three weeks later I found out I would be participating in this Immersion.  My leaders at my new store have been so supportive and are allowing me to take a six-month Leave of Absence!
  • The day she received my postcard in the mail, a friend of mine taped it in her prayer journal.  It is such a blessing to know I am being actively prayed for and supported!
  • Normally, with something this big, I get anxiety, wondering if it was the right decision.  With this trip, I am so excited and felt at peace about going.  I have not experienced anxiety at all!
  • My family is so supportive!  I am so grateful for their support and encouragement as I pursue God's calling in my life.

  I would be grateful if you joined my support team!  I will need prayer in the coming months, as well as while I’m away.  Knowing I have friends and family supporting me will be a huge encouragement when I’m gone for six months.  I also ask you to consider financially supporting this trip.  This Immersion will cost almost $9,000.  I am confident that the Lord wants me on this trip, and I know because of that, He will provide the necessary finances.  I realize this is a big decision, and I would be grateful for your consideration.  There are two ways you can donate.  You can give on the Experience Mission website or mail in the pre-addressed envelope and giving card that came with this letter.  If you mail in your donations, ensure your check is written out to “Experience Mission”, and write my EM UserID “SPER1005” on the memo line - checks will not be tax-deductible if not made out to Experience Mission.  Mail checks to:
Experience Mission
Immersion Program
PO Box 719
Port Hadlock, WA 98339
  To donate online, click here:

  Thank you in advance for your support and prayer!  I have started a blog that I will be updating with pre-trip reports, as well as updates while I’m gone!  I also encourage you to read EM’s blog, which will be updated by my teammates and I during the trip.

  In Christ,

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