Saturday, July 25, 2015

A Trip of Change

  I recently went back to my journal entries from when I went to Haiti in 2013.  Oh the memories are so sweet!  I wanted to share a simple thought from one...a thought that still rings true today.

"Haiti was incredible!  I would do it again ten times
over.  I want to go back; Haiti has my heart now --
I loved it there.  God changed my heart."

  I am beyond thrilled and grateful to be returning to Haiti.  I remember so many moments from when I was there.  I can't wait to relive some of the experiences and gain so many more.  When my team returned, we shared our experience with our church congregation.  This is what I shared (well, I lost my voice so Lynel shared what I wrote :)

  On Friday, we went to a small village.  This is a new village, about two or three months old, located on the side of a mountain and consisted of about seven homes and almost forty people.  We were welcomed into a home where a family of seven or eight lived.  It had one bed, two small pieces of furniture, and several small children -- including a one-month old. 
  As I sat in this shelter of metal and tarps, I remembered that I used to complain about sharing a room with my sister -- a bedroom larger than this.  And this family is sharing that "room" with eight people and it's the only room they have.
  After our time in the village, some of our team climbed the rest of the mountain.  When I finally reached the top, all I saw was beauty and God's creativity.  I realized, standing up there, that even amidst all the hurt, amidst all the spiritual darkness, amidst all of the poverty...there is beauty.  It's as if God placed those majestic mountains, and the blue Caribbean Sea in a land where poverty thrives to remind us that He is there...that He always has been there...and that He always will be there, creating beauty amidst poverty.
  I can't wait to see what else God reveals to me on this trip!  Not only in Haiti, but in New York, in Jamaica, and in Belize!   God taught me and changed me so much in one week in Haiti.  Imagine what He'll do in six months in four different locations serving Him!

The home we visited in the village.

The Majestic Mountains

  Experience Mission has a developed timeline that I must follow with reaching fundraising goals.  This timeline is as follows:

Date                              Amount Raised
August 11th........................................................$1,760
September 11th...................................................$3,080
October 11th.......................................................$4,400
November 11th...................................................$6,600
December 11th....................................................$8,800
  If you are interested in sponsoring my Caribbean Immersion, please click the image below.

In Christ,

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