Thursday, December 31, 2015

Ten Days!

  Can it really be only ten days away?  I have a list going of all I need to accomplish in the next eleven days.  Some are larger, time-consuming tasks such as "unpack that pack and eliminate something because you're going to break your back carrying all that stuff!", and some are little reminders, such as "go outside in the freezing cold and get your sunglasses out of your car to pack them since you can never seem to remember to grab them anytime you get out of your car!"  It's not quite that detailed on my list, but it's implied.

Everything I will be taking with me...out of the pack

Everything I will be taking with the pack(s)

  The big blue pack in the lower picture has most of what is on the tables in the first picture inside.  The daypack has some basic items that will be carried in it while out and about, and the big, green, round thing is my new bug net!  I changed my mind from the first bug net (see November's post) to a Sansbug net.  It pops open like a tent and has plenty of wiggle room, is lightweight, and while it takes up more room than the previous one, it was also cheaper! (Bonus!!)

  I would absolutely love your encouragement, prayers, and thoughts while I'm away!  Although I won't have immediate access to internet, I would love to open up my inbox to a plethora of notes from my supporters!  Feel free to Facebook message me, email me, or use the contact form on the right sidebar to write me a note throughout the next six months!

  Tomorrow is my final day at work.  I am so eager to be done working and focus 100% on the trip and spending my final days with friends and family.

  I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and have a wonderful New Year!  Thank you for your support!!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Three Weeks

  I'd say it's high time I posted an update, don't you?

  In three weeks, I will be in Indiana with my ten teammates and two leaders, training and team building.  My brain is having a hard time wrapping itself around that fact.  That, or I'm in denial.

  December 31st marks my last day at work.  I am eager to be done so I can focus on prep and spending time with my family and friends.  This time of year is always busy in retail, but I enjoy it since the time tends to go quickly.

  Someone asked me recently, "How do you even prepare for such a trip?"  Practice with the little things here and there.  I've spent a couple nights on my sleeping pad and in my sleeping bag.  I got really hot in the middle of the night and moved to the couch.  The next morning, I realized, "I'm inevitably going to get hot on this trip, and there will be no couch to move to!"  So I tried it again the next night, and woke up the next morning on the couch!  Wonder how that happened...
  Another way I've been preparing is walking on the treadmill with my 40-pound backpack.  Yikes!  I've also been practicing a basic, and quick morning routine.  Hopefully, I'll be able to practice more with this when I'm done with work, since I do want to look half-way nice while on the clock.  But, I'm cutting down the time I spend in front of the mirror, doing my makeup and hair, and reducing the amount of products I use.

  Some prayer requests:
   - Wisdom as I finalize packing; what's necessary, what's not, etc.
   - Peace as I get ready to leave home...this is an area I'm particularly struggling with.
   - Quick team bonding when we meet in Indiana on the 11th.
   - Health and safety for my whole team.

Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement, and support!
