Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Create My Playlist!

  I want your music suggestions!

  "Where words fail, music speaks."  That accurately describes what music means to me.  Music lifts my mood, helps me focus, and draws me closer to Christ.  On my upcoming Caribbean Immersion, there will undoubtedly be times when I'll be wanting to listen to music, and I want YOUR help creating my playlist!  What are some songs that lift your spirits or speak to you?  I'd love to put them on my playlist for six months!  Comment your music suggestions below!

  Two months from today is when I leave!  I can't believe it's SO close!  I am thrilled to tell you that I am 90% funded!  To meet my November 30th deadline, I need only 10% more within the next three weeks!  Will you consider sponsoring me?

  For those of you who have been praying for my wisdom regarding malaria pills: THANK YOU!  A generous donor provided me the financial ability to get malaria pills.  And a little more research into the areas I was told I needed the pills revealed that I didn't need them in both Belize and Haiti -- just Haiti.  This means I only need approximately seven week's worth...not fourteen!  That made a world of difference, because as I mentioned in my previous post, I am very conscious about what I put in my body.

Love in Christ,

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