Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Countdown: Four Months.

  There's only four months left before I leave.  However, with my schedule this fall, I am positive that those four months will FLY by.

  Today, a Facebook group was created for my team!  I am so thrilled to get to know the individuals that I will be serving with for six months!  Having this way of communicating makes the trip feel much more real.  As we continue to be added to the group this week, I'm excited to take the time to get to know everyone and find out more what those six months will look like and how I can be specifically preparing for the Immersion.

  More exciting news: I am 55% funded!!  I am SO grateful for all of you who have donated towards my trip.  And to those of you who have been praying for me, thank you!!  I can't express how much your support means to me.

  If you are interested in financially supporting me, click the button below.  All donations are tax-deductible.

In Christ,